Paul Bostock

About Me

Hello and welcome to my portfolio site, let me introduce myself, my name is Paul and I am 31 years old from Blackpool in the north west of England. I have just recently finished my last year of University studying Software Engineering and Game Development with the aim of getting into the video game industry.

I was a very late starter into the programming world as I only begun my journey in 2015 after a few years of taking care of a family member and in the few years before that, managing through a difficult mental health period after leaving school. (Don't worry! that is all behind me now.)

I got into gaming when I was very young, my Dad owned an Amiga and Spectrum around the time I was born so one of my first memories growing up was loading a tape or a floppy disk into the system and waiting an absolute age for everything to load.. how much that's changed to now!

So you could say that gaming is in my blood but I'm not just interested in that, I love technology as a whole. Not only has it changed the landscape of gaming over the last few decades but it's also changed the world, for better and for worse.

In regards to my programming ambitions, there are 3 main areas I'm interested in: AI, Physics and Graphics.

I am interested in AI and Physics purely based on my love of the racing genre. I am an avid F1 fan and a big player of the games. AI and Physics are two of the main components of these games as they're supposed to simulate what it would be like to drive an F1 car but to also race alongside them as well.